Blink Media Blog Conditions applying to all signs

Conditions applying to all signs

1. Maximum area of advertisements

  1. For a single advertisement, the lesser of:
    1.  48 metres square; and
    2. the maximum area, if any specified, for that type of advertisement in Part 2 of this schedule.
  2. The area of an advertisement is calculated by:
    1.  including the whole area of a rectangle within which an integrated sign is completely contained, as illustrated in schedule 7;
    2. excluding those parts of a wall, fascia or the like which are in the colours of a corporation or product by which do not immediately surround the text, illustrations or symbols of an advertisement in the manner of a border or panel for the advertisement; and
    3. including any company logo or company name, including the name or logo of the advertising agency, in the calculation of area of the sign in subsection 1.
  3. For a site in a Residential Environment, and Green Space Environment where no maximum area is specified for that type of advertisement in Part 2 of this schedule, the maximum area as determined by Council.
  4. This section does not apply to construction site building wraps which may exceed 48 metres square.

2. Traffic safety

  1. An advertisement must not obstruct the passage of pedestrians or vehicles.
  2. An advertisement must not obstruct a pedestrian’s view of traffic, or a motorist’s or cyclist’s view of pedestrians, other traffic, or the road ahead.
  3. An advertisement must not be distracting to drivers or cyclists.

3. Structural systems

  1. Signs must not be affixed to a structure (including a fence) unless the structure is constructed to withstand the wind and structural loads caused by the sign.
  2. The supporting structure of an advertisement must also comply with structural standards or codes under applicable laws in other respects
  3. A certificate of structural adequacy from a qualified structural engineer must be produced if required by Council.
  4. No support, fixing, suspension or other system required for the proper installation of an advertisement may be exposed, unless designed and constructed in a simple, neat and tidy manner or as an integral feature of an advertisement.

Note: For some signs, Queensland Building Regulation 2006 requires a development approval from a building certifier before they can be exhibited.

4. Electrical systems

  1. All electrical services and systems are to comply with the current Standards Association of Australia Wiring Rules and the requirements of the supply authority.
  2. All conduits, wiring, switches or other electrical apparatus installed on an advertisement are to be concealed from general view.
  3. No electrical equipment may be mounted on an exposed surface.

5. Heritage places

  1. An advertisement on a Heritage Place must be designed in accordance with a facade-grid analysis. This analysis is to:
    1. identify the grid established by the elements of a facade, such as the windows, doors awnings, cornices, parapets, columns, and so on; and
    2. indicate the most appropriate positions in which an advertisement may be located.
  2. An advertisement is generally to align with the grid and be positioned within a flat surface such as a spandrel, parapet or panel between openings.
  3. An advertisement must not be located on a column or other projecting elevational feature.
  4. Any brackets or other visible fixing systems used to support an advertisement on a Heritage Place are to be compatible with that place. 

5A. Low impact electronic display component signs

  1. The electronic display component must be within the size limit of the relevant type of sign and no greater than 4 metres square.
  2. The sign must not scroll or have a moving image screen display.
  3. The location of the sign must not extend outside the property.
  4. There shall be no more than one sign per property.
  5. The sign must satisfy the requirements of the guideline produced by Council referred to in 5C which are applicable to the type of electronic display component of the sign at the time the sign commences operation or at the time it is altered to include the low impact electronic display component.
  6. The sign must satisfy all other conditions relating to its classification in addition to these conditions.
  7. An overriding consideration is that the size and siting of the advertisement must ensure it does not become an excessively prominent element of the streetscape and must be commensurate with the area’s character and the scale of its buildings.

5B. High impact electronic display component signs

  1. The electronic display component must be within the size limit of the relevant type of sign. 
  2. The location of the sign must:
    1. not extend outside the property
    2. not be less than 3 metres from the allotment boundary of the adjoining property unless that adjoining property owner gives written consent
    3. except in a pedestrianised area, not be on a street frontage upon which another sign with a high impact electronic display component is visible, unless that sign is located at least 200 metres away
  3. The electronic display component area must:
    1. be no greater than 12 metres above ground level at its highest point
    2. not expose an unsightly back view to a road or other public place
  4. The sign must satisfy the requirements of the guideline produced by Council referred to in 5C which are applicable to the type of electronic display component of the sign.
  5. An overriding consideration is that the size and siting of the advertisement must ensure it does not become an excessively prominent element of the streetscape and must be commensurate with the area’s character and the scale of its buildings.
  6. In the event of an emergency declaration under the Disaster Management Act 2003 for the area in which the sign is situated, advertisers may be requested by Council to display disaster management messages to assist relevant disaster management groups with their roles.

5C. Guidelines for different types of electronic display components of signs

  1. Guidelines produced by Council shall impose conditions on signs which are permitted or which are already existing and changed to include a low impact electronic component.
  2. Council may base conditions for the approval of signs on guidelines for various types of electronic display components of signs such as static image/automatically changing display screens, scrolling and moving image screens.
  3. Such guidelines may include, but are not limited to, matters such as:
    1. display dwell times
    2. transition times
    3. locating different types of signs
    4. separation distances
    5. pedestrian movement corridors
    6. illumination
    7. colour

5D. Maintaining advertisements

  1. An advertisement must be maintained in good order and condition at all times including any ancillary works required as a condition of the original approval.
  2. The obligation in 1. continues for as long as the advertisement remains on display whether the permitted or approved period is current or has lapsed.

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